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Rev. esp. anestesiol. reanim ; 71(4): 291-297, abril 2024. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-232124


Antecedentes: Los bloqueos continuos de los nervios periféricos son de uso común para el manejo del dolor. Sin embargo, la incidencia de desplazamiento o migración del catéter es dudosa, pudiendo ser infraestimada y no denunciarse. Nuestro objetivo fue evaluar el posicionamiento del extremo del catéter supraescapular antes y después de la manipulación rutinaria y simulada mediante fisioterapia de hombro en un modelo cadavérico anatómico.MétodoSe colocaron 8 catéteres para bloqueo continuo y ecoguiado del nervio supraescapular en cadáveres frescos criopreservados. La tomografía computarizada (TC) confirmó la localización de la punta del catéter tras la inyección de 1ml de medio de contraste. Realizamos una serie de movimientos estandarizados de hombro durante una sesión simulada de fisioterapia de hombro en cadáveres. Tras ello, administramos 1ml de azul de metileno a través de los catéteres, y seguidamente realizamos disecciones para identificar con precisión la localización de las puntas del catéter y compararlas con su localización previa a la «fisioterapia».ResultadosLa imagen de la TC confirmó la localización en todos los casos de los extremos del catéter en la muesca supraescapular. Sin embargo, tras la fisioterapia, se encontró que 2 catéteres (25%) habían migrado y, en especial, uno fue localizado en el músculo supraespinoso y el otro en el músculo trapecio.ConclusiónNuestros hallazgos sugieren que el desplazamiento del catéter puede producirse en cerca del 25% de los casos tras la manipulación mediante fisioterapia simulada. Sin embargo, es necesaria más investigación para determinar la incidencia real de los desplazamientos del catéter en la práctica clínica. (AU)

Background: Continuous peripheral nerve blocks are commonly used for pain management. However, the incidence of catheter dislodgement or migration is unclear, and may be underestimated and underreported. Our objective was to assess suprascapular catheter tip positioning before and after routine simulated shoulder physiotherapy manipulation in an anatomical cadaver model.MethodEight ultrasound-guided continuous suprascapular nerve block catheters were placed in cryopreserved fresh cadavers. Computed tomography (CT) confirmed the location of the catheter tip after injection of 1ml of contrast medium. We performed a series of standardized shoulder movements during a simulated shoulder physiotherapy session in cadavers. Following this, we administered 1ml of methylene blue through the catheters, and then performed anatomical dissections to accurately identify the location of the catheter tips and compare them to their placement prior to the ‘physiotherapy’ResultCT imaging confirmed the location of the catheter tips at the suprascapular notch in all cases. However, following physiotherapy, 2 catheters (25%) were found to have migrated - specifically, 1 was located in the supraspinatus muscle, and the other was located in the trapezius muscle.ConclusionOur findings suggest that catheter dislodgement may occur in approximately 25% of cases following simulated physiotherapy manipulation. However, further research is needed to determine the read incidence of catheter dislodgement in clinical practice. (AU)

Humanos , Tomografia , Modalidades de Fisioterapia , Anatomia , Anestesia por Condução
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38431047


BACKGROUND: Continuous peripheral nerve blocks are commonly used for pain management. However, the incidence of catheter dislodgement or migration is unclear, and may be underestimated and underreported. Our objective was to assess suprascapular catheter tip positioning before and after routine simulated shoulder physiotherapy manipulation in an anatomical cadaver model. METHOD: Eight ultrasound-guided continuous suprascapular nerve block catheters were placed in cryopreserved fresh cadavers. Computed tomography (CT) confirmed the location of the catheter tip after injection of 1 ml of contrast medium. We performed a series of standardized shoulder movements during a simulated shoulder physiotherapy session in cadavers. Following this, we administered 1 ml of methylene blue through the catheters, and then performed anatomical dissections to accurately identify the location of the catheter tips and compare them to their placement prior to the 'physiotherapy'. RESULT: CT imaging confirmed the location of the catheter tips at the suprascapular notch in all cases. However, following physiotherapy, 2 catheters (25%) were found to have migrated - specifically, 1 was located in the supraspinatus muscle, and the other was located in the trapezius muscle. CONCLUSION: Our findings suggest that catheter dislodgement may occur in approximately 25% of cases following simulated physiotherapy manipulation. However, further research is needed to determine the read incidence of catheter dislodgement in clinical practice.
